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Lombardi Tennis provides an exceptional services to all athletes and brings tremendous amount of care, passion and professionilism. 


Here is what parents and athletes say about Adrian Lombardi



My individualised approach to coaching focuses on four major elements of player development, regardless of the athlete age: Technical, Tactical, Mental & Physical essentials.





My name is Adrian Lombardi, the owner of Lombardi Tennis – High Performance. I have been a qualified tennis coach for 23 years and during my years of working with tennis players of various ambitions and standards, I learnt that to change a player’s attitude, alter a game plan or improve an athlete’s skills, I need to know and understand the athlete as well as deliver consistent message through effective communication.


In order for me to get to know and understand the athlete, an athlete and their family must trust that I have and will deliver my expertise consistently and with no exceptions. My qualifications and expertise will allow me to do that, but it is not enough. Tennis is personal, it is an individual sport, and successful coaching should be about the individual athlete first and foremost. Every player is a unique individual and to be successful, I must be highly attuned to these individual differences in order to develop training that is specific to each athlete’s needs. I pay attention to the player’s emotions, strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, personality types, and stages of physical development. However, in order to truly know the athlete, a coach must have empathy for the athlete. I care deeply about my athletes and as a coach I am also willing to be a mentor and counsellor because an athlete needs to trust me in order to let me understand them. 


Athletes learn by being exposed to the same message constantly and consistently. It does not matter if I coach a four-year-old hot shot or a 14-year-old top 100 National player, I will deliver my expertise in a way that is suitable to a players individual needs and stage in life. 


An effective coach needs to possess exceptional communication skills. I set defined goals, express these goals and ideas clearly to players, give direct feedback, reinforce key messages, and acknowledge success. Listening is also a part of effective communication, so I am a compassionate listener who welcomes player and parent comment, questions and provides feedback. By doing this, I encourage players to be fearless and to express their opinions, thoughts and feelings. Building trust in me and themselves translates to achieving success on a tennis court.

In summary, I would like to emphasise that my goal as a tennis coach is to guide, inspire and empower an athlete to achieve their full potential. I have a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the game and the players, in turn it inspires my athletes to excel. My practice sessions are engaging, motivational and challenging. I know how to connect with players, inspire quality performance, get results, and enable my athletes to become the best they can be: Good. Great. Unstoppable.


Welcome to LOMBARDI TENNIS, where I have my athletes’ backs!


Adrian Lombardi

Tennis Australia High Performance Coach


M: 0417 591 911


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